Do You Know The 5 Secrets to Massively Grow Your Practice?
Want to Grow Your Business?
I Help Businesses Just Like Yours, To Add $100,000 to $1,000,000+ in Revenue in 12 Months.
For the last 25 years, I have been an owner of three different service companies. A Consulting / Coaching Company, a Building Controls Company and an Energy Solutions Company. Like most businesses in 2008, our controls company struggled during the downturn in the economy. We were trying to create enough sales to keep us afloat. That’s when I learned about the 5 Secrets to Massive Growth.
These secrets took our revenue from $6.1M to $9.3M in 12 months.
When I returned to coaching in 2011, I began applying the 5 secrets to my coaching client’s businesses. And guess what? It worked for them too!
For example, I was hired by start-up architectural firm, owned by three young guys. None of them had any experience running a company. In their first eight months of business, they generated $135K in revenue. That’s when I met them and began implementing the 5 Secrets to Massive Growth. Four months later they finished their first year with $340K in revenue. In their second year, they closed the year with $1.3 million in revenue.
But that’s not the whole story. Prior to our meeting, the company wasn’t making any money. They didn’t understand how to differentiate their business from their competitors. As such, every sales opportunity became a race to the bottom between them and their seven competitors. Within a short period of time, I showed them how to set their business apart from their competition. Their average sale increased from $10K to $17.5K The company’s gross margin went from 15% to 46%.
Fast forward a few years, they are over a $6 million dollar business.
For the last 11 years, I have been running focus groups around the country, for business owners just like you.
At each meeting I always start with this question.
“What’s the biggest challenge you are facing in your business?”
They consistently say, “I need more patients and more sales?”
Small business owners today are desperate for proven and tested ways they can generate more leads, attract more clients, and make more money.
So, what are the 5 Secrets to Massive Growth?
As a business owner you need to be able to generate more.
- Leads,
- Conversions,
- Transactions,
- Sales, and
- Profit.
If you understand, and know how to apply, The 5 Secrets to Massive Growth. Small moves in each of these areas will produce exponential growth through the power of compounding. Let me show you an example.
In the chart below are four columns: Categories, Baseline, 10% Increase and 50% increase above the Baseline.
A 10% increase in lead generation is an additional 100 leads in a year or 8.33 a month or 2 per week.
A 50% increase in lead generation is an additional 500 leads in a year or 42 a month or 10.5 per week or 2 per day.
When I ask business owners, “Do you think a 10% or 50% increase in each of the 5 Secrets to Massive Growth is doable?” I get a resounding YES!
This is Not Only Doable,

Remember my client above that went from $135K to $1.3 million in sixteen months. We only applied 3 of the 5 Secrets to Massive Growth. We increased their conversions, average sales price and dramatically increased their profitability.
So by now you are asking yourself,
“Will this work for my business?”
Yes & I’ll Find You At Least $100,000 In 45 Minutes!
“Do you have a guarantee?”
You Bet. Matter Of Fact, I Have THREE Guarantees For You

Successful people do what unsuccessful people are simply unwilling to do.
– Jesse Doe
As Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Keynote, Mark has helped develop workshops and programs that have transformed the lives of men and women, and altered the course of education throughout the country and across the world.
Mark’s story of transforming his own life into a full and successful life is the inspiration behind her topics around teaching others that it is possible to do the same through education. He enjoys teaching the importance of education as a whole.